Juliana Rotich

Consultant, Tech Entreprenuer (Self-Employed) | Nairobi, Kenya


She is a co-founder of BRCK, the largest public WiFi network in Sub-Saharan Africa and is also a co-founder of Ushahidi where she spearheaded it's translation into over 30 languages. She also writes the well-respected ‘Afromusing’ blog, typically with a focus on African tech and renewable energy. While she started her career as the chair of her high school computer club, she later moved on to serve on United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development. She is a renewable energy cheerleader and tree planter who advises startups.

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Use AR to see
portrait in action.

Step 1. Give Artivive permission to access your phone’s camera.

Step 2. Point your phone towards the artwork.

** Hold your phone in a vertical position for the best experience.